Congress Invitation

Marble and natural stones, used throughout history in construction, decoration, artistic works, and various industrial sectors, have been essential raw materials since ancient times. Observing the marble and natural stone markets in Turkey and globally, we see significant developments in production and trade volumes, which have grown in parallel with population and economic expansion. However, the pandemic and subsequent econo-mic crises have caused contractions in the market. Approximately 40% of Turkey’s mineral exports consist of marble and natural stone, in both block and processed forms, repre-senting a major economic contribution and a significant source of employment. Increa-sing global environmental awareness has made green, sustainable, and environmentally friendly mining and production methods essential, while promoting the recycling and reu-se of raw materials. In the production processes of marble and natural stone, both raw materials and finished products are increasingly focused on more efficient, cost-effecti-ve solutions, including greater automation, smart technologies, and information systems, along with an increased emphasis on real-time, dynamic management of these processes. The 12th International Marble and Natural Stone Congress and Exhibition (MERSEM’2025) aims to foster a solution-oriented synergy, rooted in a culture of sharing, by bringing together academics, industry professionals, public institutions, and NGOs to discuss cur-rent scientific, technological, economic, legal, and regulatory developments, both in Turkey and around the world.
MERSEM’2025, organized by Afyon Kocatepe University and the Union of Chambers of Tur-kish Engineers and Architects, Chamber of Mining Engineers of Türkiye (UCTEA CMET), with the support of Afyonkarahisar Governorship, Afyonkarahisar Municipality, Afyonkarahisar Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ATSO), Afyonkarahisar Industrialists and Business People Association (AFSİAD), Afyon-İscehisar Marble Association (AFİSMED), Afyon-Strait Marble Association, Aegean Exporters’ Association (EMİB), İstanbul Exporters’ Associati-on (İMİB), and the Turkish Marble, Natural Stone and Machinery Producers Association (TÜMMER), will take place from October 23-25, 2025, at Afyon Kocatepe University’s Atatürk Congress Center in Afyonkarahisar, Türkiye.
We invite you to contribute to our congress with your academic, scientific, sectoral, the-oretical research, laboratory work, field experiences, and social and policy studies on the topics listed below (but not limited to them). It will be our great honor to welcome you and collaborate with all stakeholders in the field.



Prof. Dr. İ. Sedat BÜYÜKSAĞİŞ                                        Ayhan YÜKSEL
Chairman of the Executive Board,               Chairman of Board Chamber of Mining
MERSEM’2025                                                                  Engineers of Türkiye

Submission of Abstracts
Acceptance of Abstracts
Submission of Full Text Papers
Acceptance of Full Text Papers
Congress Program